What Happens When You Don’t Want To Talk In Divorce Mediation

By Gerald A. Maggio, Esq.

Orange County divorce mediators; California Divorce Mediation“I don’t want to talk to my ex in mediation.”  This is a common issue that Orange County divorce mediators have to deal with regularly. Some spouses that come to Orange County divorce mediation may come for the mediation process because they want to avoid the delay of litigation, even though they have a distinct hatred of their spouse in their hearts. Such spouses would often want to stay away from the other spouse. But how would mediation work when two spouses don’t even want to be in the same room?

Mediators Waving their Magic Wands

An Orange County divorce mediator is part of a mediation process for a reason. That reason is their supreme skills to make two warring parties communicate and settle down. There is an important saying in mediation that “A mediator urges warring parties to settle down in their differences rather than settle down their differences.” This is exactly what they are tasked with, even in such a situation.

They will need to take some of the sting, hatred and drama out of the divorce. Making sure that first up, the spouses are focused on the proceedings at hand and secondly, are aware of the life altering effect these decisions will have.

Yes, a spouse may not want to talk to the other spouse, it is perfectly natural. Yet, an Orange County mediator will need to outline to them just how important communication and effective resolution of such an issue is for them. The fact that they want to stay away from the other spouse and not talk to them will depend on how they work with the mediator and the spouse to find a resolution. The quicker they can resolve the issue, the faster the couple can make their divorce official and go their separate ways.

Talk to Them Today for You May need them Tomorrow

The thing about life is that two people can never truly stay apart, especially if they have shared a marital relation with one another. Your children for example, are a source of joy for both parties and both the parents would want the best for their children. Yet, co parenting, working on parenting plans, making sure child visitations are properly met and handing and taking over of child custody are all issues which warrant that the two parents have healthy relations.

Even if you don’t plan on talking to your ex spouse, you will at some point be needed to do just that and if you are unable to keep a relation of respect between you two, the conversation could be troublesome for you.

Hence, Orange County divorce mediators encourage spouses that hate each other to still come to the communication table, discuss their differences out, and make sure they reach a peaceful resolution for the sake of their future life.

To learn more about the divorce process in California and how mediation can help, please visit our page, What is Divorce Mediation.